Transport, Supply Chain

Driver / Sales Worker


A driver sales worker is responsible for driving a company vehicle to deliver and sell products to customers. They may also take orders, collect payments, and maintain records of transactions.

The main responsibilities of a driver sales worker include loading and unloading goods onto the vehicle, delivering goods to customers, collecting payments, and promoting products or services to potential customers. They may also be responsible for maintaining records of sales and inventory, and ensuring that their vehicle is in good working condition.

Common tasks 

    TaskRelated trait(s)
    Loading and unloading products Punctuality and attention to detail
    Delivering products Punctuality and attention to detail Risk avoidance
    Selling and promoting products to customers, providing information about offers and other relevant issues Punctuality and attention to detail
    Collecting payments and maintaining records of sales transactions Punctuality and attention to detail Activity level
    Monitoring inventory levels and reporting any product shortages or damages Punctuality and attention to detail
    Complying with health and safety regulations Punctuality and attention to detail
    Maintaining vehicles in good condition, clean, organized and report vehicle problems to management Punctuality and attention to detail
    Maintaining a positive relationship with customers Emotional stability Politeness Compliance Effective listening  Making others feel at ease
    Meeting sales targets and contributing to the achievement of business objectives Punctuality and attention to detail 

    Soft skills measured by TraitForward

    TraitNo of QuestionsCronbach’s  alpha (α)
    Punctuality and attention to detail100.81
    Do they have a desirable work ethic?
    Activity level70.70
    Can they multitask? Can they handle demanding workloads?
    Emotional stability50.80
    Can they remain calm in difficult situations?
    Risk avoidance50.76
    Will they follow health and safety procedures and traffic laws?
    Can they deal in a polite manner?
    Teamplayer Positive group practices90.72
    Do they like being included in a group?
    Do they respect rules and authority?
    Effective listening80.71
    Do they understand others?
    Persuasive communication90.83
    Do they express themselves effectively?
    Making others feel at ease80.81
    Are they pleasant to interact with?
    *Cronbach’s alpha coefficient (α) determines the extent to which the questions consistently measure each trait and it is expressed as a number ranging between 0 and 1 . Higher values indicate higher agreement between questions.  A value of α equal to greater than .7 indicates acceptable reliability or internal consistency.  For more information on the psychometric properties of the solution, please click here.

    Did you Know?

    Source: US Department of Labor – Bureau of Labor Statistics

    Median wage: 

    $29,280 / per year

    $14 / hour

    A relatively low annual wage is $41,360 (10th percentile)

    A relatively high salary of the annual wage is $47,850 (90th percentile)

    Expected employment growth:

    Number of professionals occupied in US in 2021: 531 K

    Projected number of professionals occupied in US in 2031: 594.5 K

    Employment percent change: 12%

    Entry Education level:

    To become a driver sales worker, one typically needs a high school diploma or equivalent, a valid driver’s license, and a clean driving record. They must be physically fit and able to lift and move heavy items. Additionally, driver sales workers must have strong communication and customer service skills, as well as basic math skills for handling transactions and maintaining records. Some driver sales workers may receive on-the-job training specific to their industry or the products they are selling.

    Find out the psychometric properties for the Driver / Sales Worker Traitforward questionnaire