Education / Training



A nanny is a childcare professional who provides care for children, typically in the children’s home. The role of a nanny can vary widely depending on the family’s needs, but generally includes several core responsibilities.

The main responsibilities of a Nanny include childcare, looking after children’s needs, such as feeding, bathing, and dressing. A Nanny is responsible for the health and safety of children and may be often responsible for their educational activities. Other duties and responsibilities may include transportation of children for activities and household duties, such as tidying up children areas.

Common tasks 

    TaskRelated trait(s)
    Instruct children in safe behavior, such as seeking adult assistance when crossing the street and avoiding contact with unsafe objects.  Calmness
    Remove hazards and develop appropriate boundaries and rules to create a safe environment for children.  Emotional Warmth and Understanding
    Model appropriate social behaviors and encourage concern for others to cultivate development of interpersonal relationships and communication skills. Calmness
    Observe children’s behavior for irregularities, take temperature, transport children to doctor, or administer medications, as directed, to maintain children’s health. 
    Work with parents to develop and implement discipline programs to promote desirable child behavior. Structured Caregiving Emotional Warmth and Understanding
    Help develop or monitor family schedule. Structured Caregiving

    Soft skills measured by TraitForward

    TraitNo of QuestionsCronbach’s  alpha (α)
    Structured Caregiving70.73
    Do they have a desirable work ethic?
    Emotional Warmth and Understanding70.80
    Are they compassionate?
    Are they calm?
    Safety Awareness80.71
    Are they cautious?
    Do they have moral values?
    Effective Communicator110.84
    Do they express themselves effectively?
    Good Listener90.71
    Do they understand others?
    *Cronbach’s alpha coefficient (α) determines the extent to which the questions consistently measure each trait and it is expressed as a number ranging between 0 and 1 . Higher values indicate higher agreement between questions.  A value of α equal to greater than .7 indicates acceptable reliability or internal consistency.  For more information on the psychometric properties of the solution, please click here.

    Did you Know?

    Source: US Department of Labor – Bureau of Labor Statistics

    Median wage: 

    $28,520 / per year

    $13.71 / hour

    The median annual wage for this profession is $34,125. Nonetheless several professionals may not be paid in that rate. A relatively low salary the 10th percentile of the annual wage is $26,304, whilst a relatively high salary, the 90th percentile of the annual wage is $53,620.

    Expected employment growth:

    Number (in thousands in 2022): 945.9

    Number (in thousands in 2032): 927.4

    Employment percent change: -2

    Entry Education level:

    Most nannies often have a high school diploma, and less frequently they may have some college education or higher qualifications.

    Find out the psychometric properties for the Nanny Traitforward questionnaire