


It does not apply

It does not apply

Common tasks 

    TaskRelated trait(s)
    Provide advise concerning business transactions, claim liability, advisability of prosecuting or defending lawsuits, or legal rights and obligations. Effective Listening
    Interpret laws, rulings and regulations for individuals and businesses. Reading comprehension
    Analyze the probable outcomes of legal cases, using legal precedents. Creativity and problem solving
    Cooperating with other departments and colleagues Resilience

    Soft skills measured by TraitForward

    TraitNo of QuestionsCronbach’s  alpha (α)
    Persuasive communication110.84
    Can they effectively persuade and influence others through clear articulation, eloquent expression, and compelling arguments?
    Effective Listening80.71
    Are they adept at attentive listening, empathizing with others, and appreciating diverse viewpoints and emotions to enhance client relationships and teamwork?
    Reading comprehension70.76
    Can they effectively analyze complex legal texts and extract key information to support accurate advice and compelling arguments?
    Attention to detail80.78
    Can they consistently ensure accuracy and quality in legal work by paying close attention to small but important details?
    Creativity and problem solving80.78
    Are they adept at devising innovative strategies for complex legal issues through creative thinking and problem-solving?
    Can they consistently demonstrate honesty, ethical principles, and a commitment to truthfulness in upholding ethical standards and maintaining credibility in the legal profession?
    Emotional intelligence70.80
    Are they adept at understanding and empathizing with others’ feelings, effectively managing social interactions to build client relationships and navigate conflicts in the legal profession?
    Can they maintain composure, focus, and persistence in the face of challenges and pressure within the legal profession?
    Social confidence50.75
    Are they adept at projecting assurance, positively influencing others, and contributing meaningfully to team dynamics in the legal profession?
    Task completion80.79
    Can they consistently manage tasks, meet deadlines, and maintain high standards in their legal work?
    Rule Adherence and Professional Conduct90.74
    Can they consistently uphold ethical standards and adhere to established legal guidelines in their practice?
    Can they effectively support and empathize with team members to enhance collaboration and the success of legal projects?
    *Cronbach’s alpha coefficient (α) determines the extent to which the questions consistently measure each trait and it is expressed as a number ranging between 0 and 1 . Higher values indicate higher agreement between questions.  A value of α equal to greater than .7 indicates acceptable reliability or internal consistency.  For more information on the psychometric properties of the solution, please click here.

    Did you Know?

    Source: US Department of Labor – Bureau of Labor Statistics

    Median wage: 

    $0 / per year

    $0 / hour


    Find out the psychometric properties for the Law Traitforward questionnaire