Medicine Healthcare



Dentists are professionals specialized in the treatment of dental and gum problems. Their tasks are to treat diseases, malformations of teeth and gums, and intervene in order to improve dental hygiene and help patients retain their teeth. They may fit dental appliances to provide preventative care.

According to onet, 81% of employed dentists own a doctoral degree, 13% have other degrees.

Common tasks 

    TaskRelated trait(s)
    Follow procedures to to protect patients and self from infectious diseases 
    Interpret laboratory tests and device necessary plans 
    Provide individuals counseling or teaching sessions on hygiene  Attentive Patient Understanding
    Coperating with health professionals and others Compliance with Dental Norms  Attentive Patient Understanding

    Soft skills measured by TraitForward

    TraitNo of QuestionsCronbach’s  alpha (α)
    Team Synergy90.72
    Do they like being included in a group?
    Advanced Literacy50.74
    Are they effective readers?
    Compliance with Dental Norms80.72
    Do they follow the rules of the team?
    Patient Centric Compassion80.81
    Are they compassionate?
    Precision and Safety90.73
    How consistently do they adhere to detailed safety protocols and rigorously ensure accuracy in every aspect of their dental practice?
    Persuasive Communication40.73
    How effectively can they engage and motivate their patients to understand and commit to long-term dental health practices and treatments?
    Attentive Patient Understanding60.74
    Do they communicate effectively?
    Organized Dental Professionalism50.72
    Do they have a desirable work ethic?
    *Cronbach’s alpha coefficient (α) determines the extent to which the questions consistently measure each trait and it is expressed as a number ranging between 0 and 1 . Higher values indicate higher agreement between questions.  A value of α equal to greater than .7 indicates acceptable reliability or internal consistency.  For more information on the psychometric properties of the solution, please click here.

    Did you Know?

    Source: US Department of Labor – Bureau of Labor Statistics

    Median wage: 

    $155,040 / per year

    $74.54 / hour

    A relatively low annual wage is $68,160 (10th percentile)

    A relatively high salary of the annual wage is $212,220 (90th percentile)

    Expected employment growth:

    Number of professionals occupied in US in 2021: 120.7K

    Projected number of professionals occupied in US in 2031:120K

    Find out the psychometric properties for the Dentist Traitforward questionnaire