Medicine Healthcare

Bench Scientist


A bench scientist is a professional engaged in scientific research within a laboratory setting. Their role is primarily focused on conducting experiments, analyzing data, and contributing to the advancement of knowledge in fields such as biology, chemistry, and physics. Bench scientists play a crucial role in the development of new medical treatments, understanding environmental changes, and enhancing various technological advancements.

The responsibilities of a bench scientist include designing and conducting experiments, analyzing experimental data, writing scientific papers for publication in academic journals, and collaborating with other scientists in research projects. They also ensure compliance with laboratory safety protocols and may be involved in mentoring junior researchers or students.

Common tasks 

    TaskRelated trait(s)
    Experiment Design and Execution Problem solving Adaptability
    Data Analysis Analytical acumen Persistence
    Literature Review Text Comprehension
    Protocol Development Text Comprehension
    Lab Management Procedural orderliness
    Collaboration and Communication  Effective Listening Effective team building

    Soft skills measured by TraitForward

    TraitNo of QuestionsCronbach’s  alpha (α)
    Persuasive communication110.84
    Do they express themselves effectively?
    Inquisitive Mindset80.72
    Are they agile learners?
    Effective Listening80.71
    Do they understand others?
    Text Comprehension100.79
    Do they like reading?
    Effective team building80.85
    Can they build and manage effective teams?
    Do they follow rules?
    Active engagement70.80
    Can they multitask? Can they handle demanding workloads?
    Do they have moral values?
    Are they biased against people and social groups?
    Problem solving80.77
    Are they creative problem solvers?
    Constructive receptivity80.71
    Can they receive feedback positively and derive value from it?
    Analytical acumen80.71
    Do they have math abilities?
    Are they adaptable?
    Procedural orderliness100.74
    Are they organized?
    Emotional intelligence60.77
    Do they understand how people feel?
    Safety acumen60.70
    Are they cautious?
    Are they persistent?
    *Cronbach’s alpha coefficient (α) determines the extent to which the questions consistently measure each trait and it is expressed as a number ranging between 0 and 1 . Higher values indicate higher agreement between questions.  A value of α equal to greater than .7 indicates acceptable reliability or internal consistency.  For more information on the psychometric properties of the solution, please click here.

    Did you Know?

    Source: US Department of Labor – Bureau of Labor Statistics

    Median wage: 

    $49,650 / per year

    $23.87 / hour

    The median annual wage for this profession is $49,650. Nonetheless several professionals may not be paid in that rate. A relatively low salary the 10th percentile of the annual wage is $29,060, whilst a relatively high salary, the 90th percentile of the annual wage is $107,780.

    Expected employment growth:

    Number (in thousands in 2022): 34.500

    Number (in thousands in 2032): 36.800

    Employment percent change: 7

    Entry Education level:

    Most bench scientists have a minimum of a bachelor’s degree in their respective scientific field, with many holding master’s degrees or Ph.D.s. Higher education is often required for advanced research positions and roles that involve leading research projects.

    Find out the psychometric properties for the Bench Scientist Traitforward questionnaire